
Archive for March, 2010

There are three tags that kept this blog alive
1. The Jeje People pOeEhwZ,,,,!!!
2. Manny Villar and his douchebaggery
3. Justin Bieber being gay


The internet lacks the proper description of the jeje people. I know and understand why. Words seem to be insufficient and proper typing style used in defining them raised a lot of complaints from the HJO (Homo-Jejenus Organization), claiming that it destroys their image and

hInd3 nAhMaAn pFo0o3zS kAmEe gAnyUhNzS mAg-tYPeEe eEhZ,,,,, jEjE,,, sO siMpL3,,, e33wZzsS,,!!

So here are a few pictures that can enlighten your definition of “jeje people”:


And how rational people plan to solve this alsdjieafjks…

Here’s something serious on jeje’s etymology.

jeje is the derrogative term used for a certain categorised kind of people, mostly with the origin/roots from Spain or Venezuela. In their language the letter j isn’t pronounced as we know. Their j sounds more like our h with a presound of a person that has got something stuck in his/her throuht, hence they type jejeje or jajaja when they want to express laughing in written words, which happen more than often. This is why we call them jejes. READ MORE

Note: This post was made weeks before the jejemon outbreak. It’ll be awesome to know how much traffic I can get by adding a jejemon tag. WHAT UP. Still, jeje people=jejemon. Back then we had no specific term. Post updated.

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I have too much things to do lately. This week is hell week number 3 and I got two more to go, finals included. I am supposed to be reading 51 pages of scientific shiz which I probably wouldn’t understand even if I had read the entire thing. It, too, would be irrelevant, unimportant at the least, during the finals. I remember couple of months back, say 12, I chose Physical effin’ Therapy. Nobody told me we’ll be having Hagfishes as patients. Oh no, that’s not all, apparently, we’d be having amniotes, anurans, crocodilians and cows as regulars too. That’s probably why they didn’t specify Physical Therapy, Major in Treating Human Patients.

Hagfish. Not cool.

It’s kind of difficult to set your mind to your goal when you know you are taking a detour. It would probably help me/us in the long run, but of course, it’s too vague for now. I’m not doing that terrible anymore in inhumanely dissecting animals. Muscular, digestive, respiratory and urogenital systems of the cat weren’t that hard. I (kind of) regret not really studying during Zoology last semester. If I did, hello DL, probably. But it’s too late for that now, today is tomorrow’s regrets and yesterday’s hope. I can’t wait for summer! I mean seriously, summer break should start next week. But no! Not for two more weeks!! Ugh. It is hell month and a quarter.

Stupidity comes in mysterious ways. This specific stupidity came in a heart-pounding, grade-threatening, funny-yet-shameful way.

Break before Logic class, inside the cafeteria, reviewing for (logic) test we barely studied for.

Me: Ang aga pa pala. 12:40 pa lang.
Lyssa: Ano?
Me: 2:40 pala. Hahaha.
Lyssa: Anong oras ba class natin? 2:30 di ba?
Garci, Lyssa, Shaw, Me: *Panics*

Barely made it in time. Whew! All four of us passed!!

I guess we have luck….

*Takes off sunglasses* …On our side.



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